Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
He’s talking to chairs now?
Somehow I left my mind open to hear more about this unusual
process of his. He went on to explain:
“What I actually try to do is teach the room. I say to the room
and everything in it, ‘Do you want to learn how to do Ho’opono-
pono? After all, I’m going to leave soon. Wouldn’t it be nice if you
could do this work for yourselves?’ Some say yes, some say no, and
some say,‘I’m too tired!’ ”
I remembered that many ancient cultures regarded everything
as alive. In the book Clearing, Jim PathFinder Ewing explains that
places often have stuck energies. It shouldn’t be too crazy to imag-
ine rooms and chairs having feelings. It was certainly a mind-
expanding thought. If physics is right, that there is nothing but en-
ergy making up what we perceive to be solid, then talking to
rooms and chairs just might be a way to rearrange that energy in
some new, cleaner form.
But chairs and rooms talking back?
I wasn’t quite ready for that at that time.

Dr. Hew Len looked out the window at the downtown skyline.The
huge buildings, the state capitol, the horizon looked beautiful to me.
But not to Dr. Hew Len.
“I see headstones,” he said.“The city is full of the dead.”
I looked out the window. I didn’t see graves. Or death. I saw a
city. Again, I was learning that Dr. Hew Len used both sides of his
brain in each moment, so he could see structures as metaphors and
speak them as he saw them. Not me, though. I was just asleep in my
shoes, with my eyes open.
We stayed in the hotel room for maybe 30 minutes. As far as I
could tell, Dr. Hew Len walked around cleaning the room, asking for
forgiveness, loving Sheila, and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.
At one point he made a phone call. He told the person on the
other end where he was, described it, and invited her impressions. He

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