Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1


ver 70 people came to the private dinner with Dr. Hew Len and
me. I had no idea there would be so much interest in this un-
usual teacher.They flew to Austin from Alaska, New York, and other
spots. Some drove from Oklahoma. I never could figure out why
they all came. Some were curious. Some were fans of my books, such
as The Attractor Factor, and wanted to take the next steps with me.
I still didn’t know what to say. I still didn’t know where to be-
gin. Dr. Hew Len seemed comfortable going with the flow. He ate
dinner at one table and everyone hung on his every word.The fol-
lowing experience is from my friend Cindy Cashman (who, by the
way, plans to be the first person married in outer space; see www

It was Saturday, February 25, 2006. I went to downtown Austin to
listen to Dr. Hew Len speak. I sat next to him at dinner. His message is
to be 100 percent responsible. I got to witness some powerful energy
shifts.A lady at our table kept blaming a man for not calling the hospital
when she had an asthma attack. Dr. Hew Len paused and said:


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