Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
He asked everyone why someone would get breast cancer. No
one could answer. Neither could he. He pointed out that there are
millions of bits of information floating around at any moment but
we aren’t aware of more than maybe 20 bits at any one time. It was a
recurring theme with him. But it was the essence of his message:We
don’t have a clue.
“Science has no certainty of what’s going on in our life,” he ex-
plained. “Even mathematics is unclear because of zero. In the end of
Charles Seife’s book,Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea, the au-
thor concludes, ‘All the scientists know is that cosmos was spawned
from nothing and will return to nothing from whence it came. The
Universe begins and ends with zero.’ ”
Dr. Hew Len went on to say, “So, I have taken the Universe of
my mind back to zero. No data on it.You hear different kinds of ways
of putting it: void, emptiness, purity. I don’t care what you call it. My
mind is back to zero now. No matter what is coming up, even when
I am not even aware of it, the process I am going to talk about is con-
stant incessant zeroing, so that I can be at zero.”
I could see most people were riveted by Dr. Hew Len, but
some were, like me, still in the dark. But Dr. Hew Len kept going,
saying, “What happens is that only when your mind is at zero can
creation take place, and it’s called ‘inspire.’ In Hawaiian this ‘inspire’
is called Ha.
“So, if you’ve ever been to Hawaii, the word Hameans ‘inspira-
tion.’Wai is ‘water,’ and I is ‘the Divine.’Hawaiiis ‘the breath and the
water of the Divine.’ This is what the word Hawaiiis. The word
Hawaiiitself is a cleansing process, so when I am anywhere and I
check—I say, for example, before I go into the room, ‘What is it that
I need to clear that I don’t know? I have no idea what’s going on, so
what is it?’ So, if I apply a cleaning process that is called ‘Hawaii,’ it
will get data that I am not even aware of and take me back to zero.
“Only at zero... and something that you need to realize is the
mind can only serve two masters one at a time. Either it will serve

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