Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
whatever is going in your mind orit will serve inspiration.This other
stuff is called memory.”
This was getting even more fascinating. From there, Dr. Hew
Len went even deeper.
“Divine Intelligence is where all of this inspiration comes from,
and it’s in you!!It’s not out there anywhere.You don’t have to go over
there.You don’t have to go over there! You don’t have to seek any-
body out. It’s already in you!The next level here is called the super-
conscious.That’s simple enough. Hawaiians call this the Aumakua.Au
means ‘across all time and space,’ and makuameans ‘holy spirit or a
god,’ which means that there is a part of you that is timeless and
there’s a part of you that has no bounds.That part of you knows ex-
actly what is going on.
“Then you have the conscious mind; Hawaiians call it Uhane.
Then, you have the subconscious; the Hawaiians call it Unihipili.
“So, one of the most important things to be aware is to question,
‘Who amI?’ So, what we are saying—what I am sharing with you—
is that your identity consists of these elements of mind. Now, it is im-
portant for you to know that thismind is empty! So, this mind is zero.
So, who are you? You are a Divine being—that’s zero. So, why would
you want to be zero?
“When you are zero, everything is available! Everything!So, now,
that means that you are created in the image of the Divine. I’m going
to be clear about this because I hear certain things, but I want youto
be cleared by the Divine.
“So, you are created in the image of the Divine.That means you
were created void on one side of the coin and infinite.As soon as you
are willing to let go of trash and be empty, then immediately what
happens is inspiration fills your being and now you are home free.
You don’t even have to know that you are home free, because most
of the time you won’t know. ‘Where is it? Where is it? I’ve been
clean! Come on, tell me where it is? I’ll work more.’ Most of the
time you won’t know!

Eating with the Divine 73

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