
([email protected]) #1

relationship that is right for you. I want you to be
able to experience the quality of life you deserve. I
want you to be happy. Free from the nonsense. Free
from the headaches. Free from the stress that
situationships can bring.

Again, I am not writing this book to bash men.
I’m writing this book to create a clear distinction
between acceptable and unacceptable behavior in
dating and relationships from a male perspective. I
want to steer you clear of the wrong men. I am here
to pour love, clarity, and encouragement into you so
that you can stay on the right track and get what is
truly best for you.

My hope is that by writing this and its companion
books, I’ll help you, save yourself from a lot of
dysfunction, unnecessary tears, and unhappiness. I
want to prevent the countless nights of venting to
friends, family, and anyone else who’s willing to
listen, about your frustrations with your dating life
and situationships.

I’m hoping you’ll embrace the information and
insight in this book. I hope you will allow it to
confirm what you might already sense in your gut. I


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