
([email protected]) #1

A month passed by. On their weekly date night
that they’d begun having since meeting, Mark says
to Nancy,

“I prayed about you and us. God told me that
you’re my wife.”

Mark’s sudden confession made Nancy very
happy and excited to hear.

Nancy was 37, and prior to meeting Mark, was
reaching a point where she was starting to lose hope
in relationships. She started wondering if she would
really find the man God has for her, get married, and
finally be free from the woes of single life. She felt
like her time was running out, so to speak.

“Oh my gosh. Finally! Here it is. Here’s my
chance to reach the level I’ve always desired from a
relationship. Marriage! To have somebody and to
move forward. Mark’s a man of God, he’s a believer.
We met at a church function. He’s prayed about us
and God told him, I’m his wife. This is awesome.”

Of course, Nancy didn’t say any of this out loud
to Mark, but she was ecstatic. They continued to
move forward, and a serious relationship developed.
Once they transitioned into something a little more


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