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wife. She figured that maybe in time things would
work out. She remained in the relationship.

Be careful about listening to a man who tells you
God told him you are his wife because, simply put,
he could be the devil in disguise.

Listen, just because a guy goes to church, quotes
scripture, yells, “Praise God. Hallelujah. Amen,”
doesn’t mean he is of God. It doesn’t mean he’s truly
walking with God and has a genuine relationship
with Him. Unfortunately, there are men out here
who are using God and spirituality as game to get
women. They’re using a pro-God mask to disguise
their evil intentions or their despicably toxic ways
because they know it wins the trust of women.

Listen, that isn’t to say every man who has ever
said that God led him to you or that he prayed
about you is lying. However, you need to be a bit
wary of a guy that says this to you. Don’t be so quick
to jump on the bandwagon because he’s saying all
the right things from a spiritual perspective.

As I’ve already mentioned countless times
throughout this book, it’s not just about his words,
his actions must line up as well. If you want to take


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