
([email protected]) #1

not saying this in a judgmental way either. I say it as
an observation and what I have witnessed for myself
from a place of humility and clothed in God’s grace.
Knowing that, allows me to understand and accept
the imperfection in others.

High and mighty church folk are often among the
extremely flawed human beings of the world
because they don’t understand the error of their
ways in looking down their noses at others. They
don’t understand how toxic their behavior is
because some of them grew up in this type of
dysfunction. If they grew up in “church
environments” that involved people praising and
singing in the building, then going outside of church
and acting less-than-holy in their everyday lives, like
God isn’t all-knowing, then they might not realize
how they really are.

Let’s consider for a second that this guy is telling
the truth. Maybe he has prayed. Maybe you’re
dealing with a man who has a great relationship with
God, who has prayed about you, and genuinely has
heard or at the very least genuinely believes God has
told him you’re his wife.


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