
([email protected]) #1

First, he can’t get what he wants by telling you
the truth. Let me give you an example. You might
hear some women say, “If a man would just admit
all he wants is sex, then maybe he’ll get it.” What
they’re saying is if he’s honest, he might get
rewarded for his honesty and get what he wants.
They’re saying that basically the nonsense can be
avoided altogether if he’s upfront from the
beginning about what he really wants.

Let me start by saying that it sounds good in
theory. I’m not going to say that this isn’t the case
for some women. In some situations, a man could
just be completely honest saying he just wants sex
and he’ll get it. It can happen.

However, most men have already concluded—the
real conclusion, might I add—that more times than
not being straightforward and honest about what he
wants is not going to get you to have sex with him.
Plain and simple. If men thought they could get what
they wanted by simply telling you what they wanted,
then they would do it without a doubt. It would be
easier and less complicated for everyone involved.

Let me be clear. I’m in no way validating the lies
some men tell. I’m also not trying to make excuses


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