going to keep it real, so better for me to address it
than act like nothing’s going on and good people
aren’t being affected.
With that said, I want to take a moment to
remind you that there are a lot of good men still out
here. A lot of great men. I say that sincerely. I’m not
making that statement to blow smoke or to make
you feel good. I’m speaking the truth. I’m sharing
with you the fact that great men do really exist. I
need you to embrace that fact so you can be open
to receive yours. You can’t receive what you don’t
believe. Open yourself up to that possibility.
Dating doesn’t have to be as difficult as it may
have been for you in the past or currently is. It
should now be a lot easier going forward. You should
now understand how to better navigate through the
“no good for you men.” Once you do, an amazing
relationship is within reach. Always be willing to
learn, grow, and cultivate the proper attitude and
openness to experience greater success in your
dating life and relationships.
Don’t walk through life thinking that all your
struggles are the result of the wrong men and not
you. Doing this, gives men all the power. You’re