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eet Cindy. Cindy came to me for help
with getting clarity on the actions of a
guy she was dating named Eric. She was confused by
too many mixed signals.

When Cindy met Eric, she really liked and clicked
with him easily. They started dating and things were
going well. After a few of months of spending
quality time and getting to know Eric, she felt she
could see herself in a relationship with him.
Naturally, Cindy wanted to know if they were
progressing and if Eric felt the same way about her
and the potential between them. Since it had been
a few months, Cindy felt it was fair to probe and see
if he was ready to formally couple up.

However, whenever the topic of a relationship or
titles came up, Eric always danced around the


“He Doesn’t Want a Girlfriend,

but Acts Like Your Boyfriend”

He Says,

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