I’m seeing too much damage. This type of
rationale is helping to create or continue the negative
cycles of relationships that begin based off mixed
signals, lies, and confusion. Dating with these
dynamics in place means you’re dealing with a man
you don’t need to be dealing with in the first place.
It can be a struggle trying not to get caught up in the
nonsense that some men will try to throw your way.
However, let me make something very clear
before I go any further. I’m not here to bash men. I
believe and can tell you with all certainty that there
are great men out there. Wonderful men still do
exist in this world. Men you will be attracted to.
Men who can love you the way that you desire. Men
you can build an amazing relationship with. Men
who are capable of being your Boaz and the man
God has for you.
However, if you can’t get past the wrong ones,
you’ll never reach the right one. Many times, even
if you get to the right one, you’re likely to be so
worn down and damaged from all the crap you
already went through, you won’t know how to
receive him properly. You won’t know how to