
([email protected]) #1

into it knowingly, willingly wanting to date a
married or currently separated man. The woman
might have been led to believe he was available and
not in a relationship at all. What happens? The
woman gets close, feelings get involved, and she
becomes emotionally attached to him before finding
out the true story.

This is a non-judgement zone. I want you to be
prepared no matter what.

When this type of situation occurs and the
woman finds out after she’s fallen for the guy, that
he’s still technically married, it can be a struggle to
walk away from it. This can happen to anyone, even
someone with the best intentions of not getting
caught up in this type of scenario. I want you to be
mindful of looking for the red flags if you ever do
find yourself in this situation.

One of the main reasons why this is such a
dangerous situation for you to be in is because things
can change for the worse at any moment, without
warning. When I say, “change for the worse,” I’m
talking about you being left out in the cold, feelings
and all, if the separation turns out to become a

HE SAYS He’s Separated and Getting a Divorce 83

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