
([email protected]) #1

Well, guess what? He never divorced his wife. He
never had any intentions of truly being with Tonya
exclusively, even after she got pregnant by him. I
don’t know if when it all came out, the wife stuck
around. I’m not sure. I do know that he didn’t leave
her willingly, if it did get to that. I’m willing to bet
they probably didn’t get a divorce because if he was
doing all that messing around on the side, she was
probably already accepting a lot of his indiscretion
even before Tonya’s situation occurred. Women are
smart. Women have an idea when things are going
down and when they aren’t right.

I shared that story to simply say you can’t bank
on the guy leaving his wife either way. Getting
involved with a married man, separated or not, will
lead to broken promises and wasted time. He can
say, “I’m going to do this,” and “I’m going to do that.
The divorce is going to happen, just wait a few more
months.” However, it’s likely he’ll keep extending
the few months. In the meantime, he’s still married,
and you’ll continue to be his side chick, mistress,
girlfriend, whatever. You’ll continue to give him the
benefits of you, your love, your time, and everything
that you have. You’ll continue to pour into the
relationship as if it was under normal circumstances.


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