Respect her position.
Whether she’s the right wife or the wrong wife,
she’s still the current wife. You must ask yourself,
“How would I want to be treated if I were in the
same situation?” If nothing else, you would want to
be respected in this situation. Period. Show respect
for her because honestly you don’t know her and it’s
not your place to judge her.
If you have friends or family entertaining
situations like this, let them know what’s up. Let
them know the truth about the different risks their
facing by staying in this type of situation.
Again, not in a judgmental way because that’s not
the point here. Sure, people are going to do what
they want to do, but the more we speak out about
these types of situations not being acceptable, the
more dialogue we have around this topic, the more
we discourage it. We need to not act like it’s all good
when people are engaging in relationships with
individuals who are still married. The more we talk
about it and put the facts out here, the more it’ll
become taboo. The less acceptable it will be.