CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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these strategies help you create the right relaonship condions
or precursors that pave the way for a man to fall in love with you.
Secondly, these ps are focused on replicang the changes in
brain chemistry that happen to all men when they are in love. And
when you use them simultaneously your man is going to want you
more and become aached like never before. So, without further
ado, let's jump right into them.
There are three phases that we all experience when falling in love.
The first is the aracon phase, followed by the infatuaon phase,
and finally the aachment phase. I’m going to talk about each
phase separately and explain how you can encourage the process
of falling in love in each one. And for each of the phases I’m going
to explain what you can do to pave the way for him
psychologically and physiologically by provoking the natural
release of key neurotransmiers and hormones.

The Aracon Phase (and geng his juices flowing)

The first hormone that you want to trigger is adrenaline, also
known as norepinephrine. You know that feeling you get when
you’re really aracted to someone or when you really like
someone? Some people call it the buerflies. It’s that nervous
excitement, the jiery stomach, a racing heart. All of that is caused
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