CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Simply put, you've got to be that person that he wants to be with
the most. So keep things light and fun. You have to rock his world
in a way that no one else can and leave him wanng more. Leave
him craving more. Be the only one who can sasfy that craving.
That need, is you. You must create that dynamic. That feeling that
he can't get anywhere else. Every me he thinks of you, he’s going
to be thinking about the fun things. He's going to associate you
with everything fun. And that’s super aracve. And put limits on
the length of me you spend with him in the beginning. Pace
yourself and always leave him wanng more me with you.


Infatuaon is a profound feeling of desire and obsessively strong
admiraon for someone. It's marked by a sense of excitement and
euphoria, and it's oen accompanied by lust and a feeling of
newness and déjà vu at the same me.
During the heart-pounding excitement of infatuaon, lots of
phenylethylamine or (PEA).
PEA funcons like a natural amphetamine, which basically makes
you really high on love.
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