For example, men in commi ed rela onships who were
administered oxytocin through a nasal spray viewed their partners
as more a rac ve and stood further away when interac ng with
a rac ve female strangers. Also, nasally administered oxytocin has
been shown to reduce stress and increase feelings of trust
between partners.
So, without a doubt, oxytocin is an important and powerful
hormone that facilitates a achment between couples in roman c
rela onships. The best news is there are things you can do to
trigger the release of oxytocin in your man and facilitate and
strengthen the a achment between both of you. So, without
further ado, here is number one.
1. Physical Touch
The best way to get more “Oxytocin in your life is with physical
touch. Non-sexual cuddling, hugging and even shaking hands gets
oxytocin flowing. Connect with your partner. Hug and kiss every
morning and night and make sure they are good hugs. You should
hold a hug for at least six seconds to get the happy chemicals
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