with your man as if you were ac vely journaling everything. And
when you are doing that, you are forcing yourself to become
mindful and present in every moment you are together. When you
are prac cing the ac ve journal method, you are ac vely listening
to your partner and facilita ng emo onal in macy and trust.
When that happens, your man can open up to you with his
deepest secrets and desires so that you no longer have any doubt
about where you stand or what you mean to him.
Okay, so what’s the process?
Well, a achment really takes hold when you are a person he can
trust. So, If you want a man to fall deeply in love with you and stay
a ached to you, you have to be a person that he can trust. Trust is
accomplished in several ways. The most important of which is by
honest communica on and developing emo onal in macy. And
that is exactly what the Ac ve Journal Method is meant to
accomplish. Ac vely listening to build honest communica on and
emo onal in macy.
So, when you are communica ng with your man, you are going to
listen as if you were going to journal or take notes on what is being
said. This means that you are ac vely listening. See,
communica ng, whether in person, on the phone, or through
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