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that” and then saying something else that’s on your mind, you
might respond with - “Oh, no.. He’s treang you badly? In what
way?” The first one sounds like lip service while trying to get your
point in. In the second message, you are reflecng that you have
heard and understood what they communicated and then asked a
queson to engage them to share more. It shows that you care
about what they are feeling. It validates their feelings. You are
checking, understanding, and showing that you are on the same
wavelength and that you are really 'geng' what is being said.
Remember, excellent communicaon is what makes relaonships
great, and being a great listener makes for excellent
Think about it. So many people today are totally preoccupied by
their phones, by social media and texts. So having a conversaon
with a person who is completely present and in the moment is
highly aracve and further culvates warm feelings. Some things
to remember:

  1. Don’t interrupt or judge the person who is talking.

  2. Nod your head and give short verbal signs and lean into the
    person talking so that you are showing you acknowledge what the
    person is saying.
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