CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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  1. Paraphrase what they’ve said so that they know you’ve

  2. Ask quesons to signal you’ve paid aenon and are interested.
    So, honest communicaon is the foundaon upon which trust is
    built. Then, there are three other types of trust necessary for deep
    love and a healthy relaonship.
    The first and most obvious type of trust has to do with fidelity or
    loyalty – meaning you both have agreed that your partner has your
    love, affecon and commitment over other potenal
    partners. It’s trusng that your partner is sexually and romancally
    exclusive with you.
    So, what does that look like? Well, if you trust each other, you
    respect the fact that each of you have a life outside of the
    relaonship and you don’t try to interfere or replace that life. Trust
    means you are not fearful of the other person cheang on you,
    regardless of circumstances.
    The second type of trust is believing your partner has good
    intenons. In other words, you believe what they say, and believe
    they have your best intenons in mind even when you disagree or
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