are disappointed. You give your partner the benefit of a doubt
because you truly feel like your partner is on your team. You never
have the feeling that their ac ons were done to betray you. The
third type is that you trust one another with your feelings and your
Trust is built through a series of ac ons that show another person
one can be trusted. For example, you call when you say you’re
going to, you listen and empathize with your partner, you support
and encourage your partner through a difficult me.
And through this mutual trust in one another, you feel safe in the
rela onship physically and emo onally. Trus ng someone with
your heart and your feelings means that you can be vulnerable
without fear of any nega ve consequences. And this is huge,
because when you are not afraid of being vulnerable in
conversa on, there is a willingness to really open up your hearts
and share what you’re really thinking, even if it puts you at risk for
ridicule and being cri cized. That’s trust. That’s emo onal
in macy, and that’s the founda on of deep love and las ng love.
So, your assignment for this chapter is to start prac cing the
Ac ve Journal Method in your conversa ons today. Try it with
friends, try it on the phone, and try it over text. It’s a prac ce in
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