CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Chapter 10:

The Abundance Method

In this chapter we are talking about the abundance method which
will show you how to set boundaries so that you take your
relaonship to the next level and get everything you want and
need out of the relaonship. And, while praccing this method,
you’ll uncover the abundance of self-confidence that is inside of
you that will make you a queen in his eyes. So, if you feel like your
man is not respecng your needs and treang you the way you
deserve to be treated, then this is the chapter for you.
The abundance method was designed to help you get what you
want and need to be genuinely happy in your relaonship. This
approach works. What’s even beer, this 3 step plan will help you
get clarity about the things that are really important to you. As
well as the things that aren’t that big of a deal and the ones you
should compromise on. So, break out your pen and notebook and
let’s jump right into it.
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