CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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going to feel like you’re compromising or not geng your needs
And if the two of you are totally different on many of these
important values, the likelihood of you being happy in this
relaonship long term is really low, so perhaps it’s me to rethink
the relaonship.
Now, let’s say that you comprised your list and you see that the
two of you are very compable and share the same values, goals
and qualies but you’re not geng the relaonship you want or
need from him. Then go to the second step of geng what you
need from your relaonship and that is to ask yourself this

  1. Are Your Expectaons Reasonable
    If you’re in a relaonship, of course you are going to have
    expectaons of your partner. For example, you’re going to expect
    honesty, loyalty, support, love, friendship, and companionship as
    those are the essenals. However, somemes, we hold on to
    unrealisc expectaons that are nearly impossible to meet. In
    other words, you have expectaons that require your partner to be
    “nearly perfect” and possess all of these qualies all of the me.
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