CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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But we all make mistakes, I mean everyone is human and none of
us is perfect.
So, when we are not geng some need met, we have to ask
ourselves if our expectaon is too high? Are we being reasonable
in expecng this from our partner.
For example, when a couple gets into an argument - perhaps it’s a
serious argument that leads them to not talking for a few days, or
maybe they even take a break, aer a few days passes, one or both
partners might realize that what they were disagreeing with their
partner about was an unreasonable expectaon. In other words, it
wasn’t that big of a deal and perhaps they should have given their
partner a pass. Now, what do I mean by a pass? Keep reading
because this is an important example.
A few years ago, I was working with a woman who was frustrated
and unhappy because she felt like her boyfriend had changed. That
he was taking her for granted. In many ways, he was but overall,
he was a great guy. Yes, they had a few challenges to overcome
and they did. In fact, they are now happily married and have a
baby on the way, but when we started working together, one of
her complaints was that he liked playing chapter games online with
his friends for about an hour 2-3 mes a week.
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