She thought it was immature and that he should use his me doing
something more produc ve. She resented the fact that he played
games with his friends instead of spending that “recrea on me”
with her. But in almost every other area, they were very
compa ble and had a solid rela onship. What she didn’t
understand was that a er a long day at work, it provided him with
a much needed stress release as well as an opportunity to bond
with his friends. Now, if he spent 5-6 hours a day playing chapter
games instead of taking care of his other responsibili es, then it
would have been a problem.The point is that some mes we have
to take a step back and think about our expecta ons. We need to
understand our partner’s point of view and change our perspec ve
and expecta ons because it really isn’t a big deal.
Now, having said that, we must know what our deal breakers are
too. Deal breakers are specific, individual issues or characteris cs
of a poten al partner that one cannot overlook despite the other
redeeming quali es the individual may possess. So, for example,
physical abuse should be a deal breaker for everyone. If it happens,
the rela onship needs to be over, regardless of any other quali es
your partner has. The deal-breaker is the primary reason for not
con nuing the rela onship.
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