Because when you compromise your standards, you’re simply
pushing the conflict and the problem further into the future.
You’re ignoring the red flags because you want to be wanted so
badly and you con nue to accept less than you deserve..
So, if a man isn't’ mee ng your standards, if a man isn’t trea ng
you right, if a man isn’t mee ng your needs, arguing with him,
complaining to him, or pleading with him is not going to bring him
to change. It’s just not going to work.
If a man isn’t mee ng your standards and mee ng your needs, you
need to be walking away. When he knows that you aren’t willing
to se le, that you aren’t going to tolerate behaviors or ac ons of
his that you don’t agree with, or that don’t meet your standards,
he's going to respect you and step up to the challenge and meet
your standards. He is going to appreciate your self respect and
your value in his eyes goes way up.
But he will only experience this if he knows you are willing and
able to walk away from something that isn’t right for YOU. So
again, the secret to the Abundance Method and ge ng what you
want from your rela onship depends on three things.First,
knowing that you share similar values and goals, second, having
realis c expecta ons, and third, se ng and not compromising
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