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Chapter 11:

Dealing With Relaonship


In this chapter, you'll learn the 4 steps that will help you to stop
worrying and feeling insecure about your relaonship. So, if you’re
in a relaonship and constantly over analyzing things, or worried
that he’s going to end things, then this is the chapter for you. Let’s
jump right into it.
If you’ve ever been in a relaonship or dated someone you really
liked, chances are, you’ve felt insecure, jealous or anxious about it
at some point or another. And, having these thoughts is perfectly
normal and even expected in a new relaonship. However, if you
find that you are frequently distressed and worrying about
everything that could go wrong or worried that he’s going to leave
you, then you may be dealing with relaonship anxiety. And
relaonship anxiety can be a huge problem because it's usually
accompanied by debilitang and oen paralyzing stress.
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