CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Relaonship anxiety can cause you to self sabotage and destroy
your relaonship. In other words, you end up causing the thing
you are most afraid of. That’s why I’m going to share some great
strategies for stopping relaonship anxiety so you can enjoy the
amazing relaonship you deserve. But first, let’s find out if you
have crossed over from normal level of anxiety into problemac
anxiety. Your answers to the following quesons will give you a
starng point.

  1. Do you find yourself frequently worrying about how he feels
    about you?

  2. Do you overanalyze his every acon to see if he's reacng
    posively or negavely towards you?

  3. Do you find the need to repeatedly ask him how he feels so you
    can feel reassured?

  4. Have you felt the need to dig through his social media accounts?

  5. Do you wish you could look through his call log... or text
    messages or emails’?

  6. Have you checked or would you like to check his web browsing

  7. Do you worry that he doesn’t love you as much as you love him?

  8. Do you worry about the possibility of him cheang on you?

  9. Do you worry that he might find someone else more aracve?
    Want To Work With Me Directly? Double Click Here To Book Your Breakthrough Session

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