CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Chapter 12:

If Things Don’t Go as Planned

This chapter is kind of a troubleshoong or reference type chapter
for you to use if things don’t go as planned and you end up going
through a breakup or separaon and you want to get your ex back.
Because somemes, despite all of our efforts, things don’t always
work out on our meline. So, if you are convinced that this is the
man for you, and want to do everything you can to get your man
back, then this step by step plan gives you the best chance of
making that happen.

Follow the Plan – Not Your Heart

This is the first and most important step because if your heart is
broken and in pain, your heart wants you to do whatever it takes
to get that person back. As they say, the heart wants what it
wants. Your heart wants your ex back so it can be happy again. It’s
your heart that makes you do things out of desperaon and those
are oen the things that hurt your chances of geng your ex back.
For example, when you are in pain, your heart will tell you that if
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