CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

([email protected]) #1

One of the most difficult things you'll ever have to do it to walk
away from a lover that really isn’t right for you. And you’ll never be
able to recognize or understand that while you’re stuck on this
emoonal rollercoaster of on again off again relaonships. Some
me away from him gives you much needed clarity and objecvity.
Time has the amazing ability to shape your percepon and heal
you. Remember, when you’re really missing someone, it might feel
like he's the only person for you, but missing someone doesn’t
mean they are the right person for you.
It’s amazing what you can see with a lile bit of me and distance.
You might find you’re happier without him, that you can breathe
easier, that you’re more like yourself again and maybe you realize
geng back together with him isn’t a good idea. Or maybe a lile
me away causes you to see his good qualies that you took for
granted during the relaonship. Maybe now you’re beer able to
understand and support him whereas you weren’t on board
before. Whatever the case, somemes you need to step away
from something to see it more clearly.
Just to clarify and answer some quesons that I’m sure will come
up, no contact means
NO communicaons at all. No calls, no texts, no social media
communicaon, no responding when he messages you or calls
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