CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

([email protected]) #1

It’s kind of like a “commitment cocktail” of neurotransmiers. Are
you geng this? Are you starng to see how powerful this can be?
So as I was finally starng to understand what was happening...
A few days later another woman came to me needing help, but
this me she wasn't asking to get over her ex. This me she was
asking for a way to get her man to finally commit to her. She
wanted a serious relaonship. Heck she even wanted to get
married but her man just wasn't willing to take the next step.
And that's what I had an epiphany...
What if I instructed her to do exactly what these other women,
who were trying to get over their ex, were doing? What if I gave
her the same three simple steps that caused those other men to
start chasing and pursuing the woman they had been pushing
away. So that's exactly what I did.
I told her...”Look, I have this idea...” and I told her my plan. At first
she was reluctant but then she agreed to give it a shot. This was a
moment of truth. Could this really work to get any guy to commit
to you? Could this really be the secret to take any relaonship to
the next level? And could this really be the secret to finally have a
man appreciate you and make you his number one priority? So I
gave her the three simple steps.
At first she resisted what I told her to do. She said “there's no way,
if I do that he's definitely not going to pay aenon...” and “he's
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