CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC
- The Meet Up
A er your interac ons via text or phone conversa on make it
clear that mee ng up is a good idea. Going for coffee, a walk in the
park, or a drink will keep it casual. That’s when he gets to see the
beau ful woman you are in person. He gets to witness your
posi ve vibe and the new and improved look in the flesh. Here,
again, you’re going to keep things light and fun and easy. No
expecta ons or agenda. Interac ng with him should be easy and
effortless. You readily accept things for what they are and will
readily move on if it’s not what you want. There is no struggle and
no stakes here. In most cases, your ex will be very a racted to you
if you’ve followed everything in this plan. And you can use that
a rac on to con nue building interest. He’s going to be
remembering all of the amazing mes you shared together.
But if you s ll feel he's trying to put you in the friend-zone and he
doesn’t want to get back together, then it’s simply not the me for
you two. Let him live in the regret that he didn’t get back together
with you, while you go off and create an incredible life without
him. It’s ok to be disappointed, just don’t fall back to where you
were when you first broke up.
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