Chapter 13:
How To Heal A Broken Heart
I’ve made this chapter because some mes, despite everything you
do, things just don’t work out. A er all, it's not impossible or even
unusual to start da ng and fall in love with a person that is not
right for you. Nothing is more difficult than walking away from a
lover that is not right for you. While it's difficult to do, it's not
impossible especially when you prac ce the 8 strategies that I am
going to share with you in this chapter.
Having a broken heart and missing someone doesn’t just hurt, it
can feel overwhelming. it has been called the greatest of emo onal
pains. It can feel impossible and leave you feeling helpless. Along
with the pain, you’ll have so many ques ons like:
How can I move on?
How do I get through this?
Will it ever get be er?
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