CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Chapter 1:

Building Your Vision


Hello and welcome to the first lesson in The Book of Love. I’m Dr.
Antonio Borrello and I’m so excited to start working with you to
get the relaonship you want and deserve. Because for me,
nothing is more important than relaonships.
Think about this. Children are oen asked - “What do you want to
be when you grow up?” The youngest ones will oen answer “I
want to be a mommy/daddy.” Even at a young age, children already
consider what it will be like to be married or coupled up, to an
extent that they may even have an idea of what their future
partner will look or act like! That’s because The desire to find a life
partner is a human characterisc and has been a goal of nearly
every person since the beginning of recorded history.
Now, as we will talk about in this book, the desire to be coupled
up is movated partly by the primal need to reproduce and ensure
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