the con nuity of our species. But more than that, no one wants to
be alone for the rest of their life. We are social beings. Finding
someone to spend our life with is so important that marriage has
been a fundamental right of passage in nearly every civiliza on,
culture, religion, or way of life.
Ge ng married and having children is something that people have
come to expect for themselves. And that’s why finding and
forming a healthy and happy roman c partnership is something
most people want and expect for their lives. People simply thrive
when they are coupled, and for good reason. People in long term
commitments are more likely to enjoy an enduring, suppor ve, and
in mate rela onship, and they are less likely to suffer from
loneliness. Having a partner also provides people with sources of
iden ty and self-esteem as well as an escape from the stresses of
one’s life. It’s no surprise that study a er study conducted in the
United States and Europe consistently points to the fact that long
term commitment is strongly correlated to individual happiness
and health.
But if you’re reading this, then chances are, there are some aspects
of your rela onship that you are not happy with. There are issues
that you are hoping will change and improve. Because just as a
happy and healthy rela onship is related to life sa sfac on, an
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