CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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unhappy and dysfunconal relaonship can be the source of
distress and unhappiness that permeates every aspect of your life.
So ask yourself... is your goal of building a happy and healthy
relaonship important? It’s probably the most important and
rewarding thing you can do to ensure a great life.
I think It’s probably the most sought aer life goal. But, make no
mistake about it; like achieving any important goal, building a
happy and healthy relaonship is going to require effort, as well as
realisc expectaons and a well-thought-out plan. That’s right, I
want you to look at your love life as you would look at any other
important life goal. And when you make the decision to take
control of your romanc desny, you immediately empower
yourself to make things happen. You will begin to qualify your
dreams and develop the short- and long-term goals that are
necessary to make those dreams a reality.
So, where do you start? Well, let me give you a general overview
and then we’ll jump into the specifics. You’re going to start with
defining what you want your relaonship to look like. How will
you complement your partner’s life? Then you’re going to move
into seng your intenons and vision statement. Next, you'll
pracce and implement the strategies laid out in this book. Then
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