CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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finally, you'll re-evaluate and refine what you are doing. Simple,
I want you to pull out that journal, because I’m going to explain
your first assignment, and that is to idenfy and define the goals
for your relaonship. Again, if you’re reading this, you’re most
likely already in a relaonship with someone or perhaps you are in
a situaonship and you wish to be in a relaonship. Or, perhaps
you are casually dang someone and you want to take things to
the next level. Wherever you are in your situaon, I want you to
take some me and idenfy your goals for the relaonship... What
do you want things to be like?
I want you to define these goals in the posive. What do I mean by
defining these goals in the posive? Well, more oen than not,
people set their goals in the negave such as “I don’t want to be
wondering if he’s talking to other women”. Instead, you would
write that goal as “I want to always feel like I can trust him.” Once
you have an idea of what you want things to be like, it’s me to set
your intenons and create a relaonship vision statement for
yourself. I know it sounds a lile methodical, but just consider this
for a moment. How did the world’s leading companies get so
successful? And how do they stay successful? That’s right, they all
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