CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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bad days, or setbacks and ulmately, it will help you create the
relaonship you desire.
So, your assignment for this module is to really take some me to
think about your relaonship. I want you to think about all of the
things that you are disappointed about or frustrated with and
switch them into posive statements or goals. I want you to make
goal statements concerned with the following crical areas in your
● 1. Sex and Romance
● 2. Values and goals
● 3. Friends and sociability
● 4. Communicaon and connecon
● 5. Conflict resoluon and problem solving.
For each of these areas, I want you to write your goals in the
posive... write them in your journal. And then once you have the
relaonship goals wrien out, I want you to summarize them in
the form of a relaonship vision statement.
I know that this seems tedious to do however, when I work with
clients in person or over the phone I always ask them to tell me
both the things that they dislike about their relaonship and how
they would like to see their relaonship in the future. Then,
together, we summarize these goals into a form of a vision
statement. So please take 15 to 20 minutes to do that assignment
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