CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Chapter 2:

Idenfying Self Sabotage

Queson... Did you take the me to complete the first assignment
of idenfying your goals for your relaonship and summarizing
them into your relaonship vision statement? If you have, great.
You are one step closer to achieving those goals. If you haven’t,
please do that now before connuing with this chapter. It’s a very
important assignment.
In this chapter we are going to focus on idenfying the ways in
which your own behaviors may have contributed to the
relaonship challenges you now experience. In other words, have
you done anything that may have sabotaged your relaonship?
Now, I’m not suggesng that you have had bad intenons. Instead,
have you unintenonally engaged in behaviors that have scared
good men away from you? Unfortunately, it's a common
For example, it’s very common for two people to begin talking and
geng to know each other, and things start off great. And then
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