CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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aer the first or second or aer a few dates, the guy suddenly
loses interest for no apparent reason. All of a sudden there is a
noceable change in his behavior and his level of interest and
effort towards the relaonship.
When there is a sudden change in a man’s interest without an
obvious reason, it’s usually because he has a change in belief (true
or untrue) about you. In other words, something happens. There is
some interacon between you two, or some behavior that makes
him see you differently or believe something different about you,
and that causes him to be less aracted and less interested in
pursuing a relaonship with you.
Now, what he “thinks” isn’t necessarily true about you... it’s simply
his new percepon of you based on his interpretaon or
misinterpretaon of something you’ve said or done. And the
problem is that many women don’t recognize the things they might
be doing to trigger those changes in his percepon. In other words
they are unknowingly sabotaging their relaonships with great
guys. That’s why I’m going to explain both the beliefs that push
him away as well as some of the possible behaviors that trigger
those beliefs. So, let’s jump right into them.
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