then you probably ask mul ple mes... “Are we Good? Are You s ll
interested in ge ng to know each other? Are you sure?”.
But why does this happen? Well, suppose the last four or five
people you dated ended up ghos ng you. It would be natural to
have some perpetual feeling that things are on the cusp of falling
apart. I mean it’s happened the last four or five mes.
So, it’s understandable that you might be cau ously looking for the
signs that things are going wrong and that the rela onship is about
to come crashing down.
On the other hand, asking for reassurance shows him that you are
insecure and that lowers your value in his eyes and that becomes a
huge disadvantage. it shows him that you are afraid of losing him
and then you are no longer the prize... you are no longer the
challenge... again, you just lowered your value.
Another, less obvious sign of insecurity is what I like to call false
confidence. When I think of false confidence I think of a person
who makes it a point to always tell you who they are, rather than
show you. People with false confidence are those who boast about
their looks, how many people like them or want them, and are
quick to share all of their accomplishments. Now, I know that most
women don’t go out of their way to brag about their looks or how
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