CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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aenon in the beginning, what does he have to work hard for?
And consequently, you lose value and his aracon goes down.

4. You are trying to push him towards a relaonship

I know it’s difficult to not think about the future when you really
like someone. At the same me, it’s important to cool your jets and
let the relaonship evolve naturally and not even consider
comming before you’ve really goen to know someone.
So, take that goal out of your mind because when you make
something a goal, you start planning and living in the future and
then you're constantly measuring your progress towards that
goal. That means that you’re not really being present when you’re
with him – everything you do is unconsciously slanted towards
accomplishing your goal and even worse, everything he does that
makes you worried about your goal not happening is going to
make you upset and ruin the dynamic between you.
So for the first lile while, just enjoy the me you spend with each
other as much as you can and without worrying about defining the
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