CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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And guess what happens? He feels it. He noces those
insecuries, and it lowers your value in his eyes and makes you
seem needy, or clingy, or even desperate and then before you
know it, he’s running for the hills.
That’s why you must stop looking for a relaonship to reassure
you. Remember, feeling secure comes from inside of you, and if
you don’t feel worthy... if you don’t know your value, it won’t
maer how smart, sexy, worthy or aracve your partner tells you
that you are. It won’t sck and you’ll need more and more
reassurance to temporarily fill you up again.
That’s why you must strive to feel okay within yourself. You need
to love yourself and accept who you are. Then you can be fully
accepng of the love and affecon your partner directs toward
you. Again, it comes from within, not from looking to your partner
at every turn for reassurance to prove you’re okay.
But as we discussed before, praccing self-love in the context of a
new relaonship is oen easier said than done. When we want
another person, we oen do things that we think will win their
affecon. And in doing so, we oen engage in behaviors that are
anything but self-loving.
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