CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Chapter 3:

Self Love - The Prerequisite

To Any Great Relaonship

In this chapter, I’m going to explain the concept of self love and
why it's such an important prerequisite to a healthy and happy
relaonship. I’m also going to explain the steps that you can take
to really start praccing self love. It’s a process that really works.
So, let's just jump into it.
We oen hear the term, self love or love yourself as is thrown
around in popular culture and in the self help and personal growth
field. But what exactly does it mean? What does it mean to love
yourself? It’s not so easily defined. I mean everyone knows what
it’s like to love someone else... in fact, when defining love, most
people relate it to another person... These things get a bit trickier
when the queson changes to “What is self-love?
If you’re like so many people, you may have struggled beyond
saying it means you love yourself. Yes it’s a difficult concept to
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