So how do we cul vate self love and use it to develop a great
rela onship? See, prac cing self-love in the context of a new
in mate rela onship is o en easier said than done. When we want
another person, we o en do things that we think will win their
affec on. And in doing so, many people engage in behaviors that
are anything but self-loving. The good news is that if we commit to
becoming our own best friend, we can learn to prac ce self-love
while developing amazingly fulfilling and loving rela onships. But,
it all starts with learning to be your own best friend... and here are
the steps to do just that.
1. Get to know the real you
People don’t become best friends overnight. Instead, they spend
alone me together and cul vate their rela onship through honest
communica on and sharing.
The same is true for becoming your own best friend. You must
spend quiet me ge ng to know yourself through self-reflec on
and introspec on.
Make it a priority every day to spend 10-15 minutes in solitude
where you simply think about yourself and your life. Get yourself a
notebook and begin wri ng your thoughts and journaling during
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