this me. Wri ng will help you stay on task and focused only on
yourself. Write about what you really like and dislike, write about
what drives and mo vates you, and write about your goals and
dreams for the future. Write as if you are speaking to your future
self and express your thoughts, beliefs and feelings about the
important things in your life. Best friends also plan and share
enjoyable ac vi es with one another. Becoming your own best
friend will require you to plan and enjoy ac vi es by yourself.
2. Spend me doing things alone
As you journal, develop a list of ac vi es that you can enjoy doing
alone. These solo ac vi es can be hobbies such as exercising,
reading, wri ng, listening to great music, medita ng, or engaging
in the fine arts. Prac cing these hobbies will help you to
appreciate your own company, deepen your understanding of
yourself, and help you to cul vate self-love.
3. Prac ce acceptance and forgiveness
Best friends really listen to one another and offer the safety of
trust as they share their true thoughts and feelings. They support
one another with acceptance and encouragement, but some mes
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