CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Chapter 4:

Make Him Miss You like crazy

In this chapter, you'll learn how to make your man think about you
all of the me and miss you like crazy. So, if you’re in a
relaonship but feel like your man has become distant, or he isn't
calling and texng like before, then this is the chapter for you.
And these steps are powerful, so make sure you get your
notebook out and start taking notes. Oh... and these ps work
best if you do them in order.

#1 Stop Asking Him What's Wrong or Talking About

How Things Have Changed

This one is difficult to do, but absolutely essenal. Let me explain.
See, when you noce that your man isn’t calling, texng, or making
plans as much as he used to, it’s natural to become worried and
concerned about why he’s changed. So, you pay extra aenon to
what he’s doing and you eventually bring it up to him. You talk to
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