CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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him and you tell him that you’ve noced a change in him and you
ask him what’s wrong...
Maybe he tells you everything is ok, he’s just very busy, or he tells
you that you are too sensive and to stop worrying about it.
Maybe he denies it. But, If you’re like most people, you can’t just
forget about it. Instead, you start paying extra aenon to
everything he does looking for more confirmaon of the way
you’re feeling. And without a doubt, you find example aer
example of how things have changed... and it makes you feel
worse and even more insecure. Then you bring it up again because
you are worried and you want things to be like before. But this
only makes things worse and despite all of the conversaons,
nothing changes. Actually, maybe they get worse. Then when you
connue to complain, it has the opposite effect. Things just get
more difficult between you. It’s like he sees you as the one who is
always complaining and nagging him. So, step one is that you must
not bring this topic up again. At least not yet. I know it’s not easy
to do, but if you connue to bring it up, you could sabotage your
chances of turning things around. Instead, aer you do these
steps, he’s going to be the one thinking about you all of the me,
missing you, and he’ll bring it up. So, despite how you’re feeling,
you must not let him know that you are upset, sad, or worried.
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