CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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1. Believe that you are the prize

You must treat yourself as if you believe that you are the prize. I
know this is sounding philosophical here but this is one of the
most important points and without it, the other steps won’t really
work. And, don’t worry, even if you don’t feel like the prize right
now, I’m going to show you how to “fake it unl you make it”.
What do I mean by believing that you are the prize? Well, do you
believe in the core of your being that you are a woman who
deserves to be loved uncondionally by a wonderful man? And, if
so, do your dang behaviors or your relaonship behaviors
communicate that? Because when you believe that you are a
woman deserving of love, you'll act the part and aract that kind
of man. Essenally, believing that you are the prize is praccing
self love.
But, as you can imagine, praccing self-love in the context of a
new inmate relaonship is oen easier said than done. Because
When we have strong romanc desires for another person, we
oen do things that we think will win their affecon, we overlook
red flags, and forgive bad behavior. The chemically induced love
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